Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Home again...Home again

Strep Throat...Fevers...Ear Infections...Flu...Dang those Grocery Cart Germs! Where have I been??? I've been picking regurgitated banana out of eyelashes!


FX Turk said...

And stay away from my kids. We've been healthy for a month, and we don;t need any of your sickies making us sick.


Evander said...

Ah, regurgitated bananas...nectar of the gods. I think there is a significant market opportunity for Purell hip holsters. Or maybe Purell webslingers like Spiderman has. You know, bend your hand back and the Purell just shoots out of your wrist. What a world that would be.
We actually shrink-wrapped our kid with just his face exposed. He hasn't gotten sick, but he kinda looks like a mottled pink sausage.