Monday, January 15, 2007

Watch out for that...Corrrrrrrn!

I insist that our children sit down at the table three times a day for meals. It really works out well...most of the time. Last night over dinner, I could see Tes-tos-ta-boy's arm begin winding up. His eyes began to search for the perfect projectile...and just as I warned my ear of perfectly sweet, golden yellow corn flew with the force of a professional pitch across the table barely missing my husband's face! My husband had to excuse himself from the table because he couldn't catch his breath. Oh My Gosh! We laughed so hard. Yet another missed opportunity to discipline. (He really does have a good arm.)


Evander said...

Hmmmm...discipline vs. a major league contract...I guess parenting sometimess comes down to being able to accurately judge athletic ability. You can't really tolerate corn throwing at the table. UNLESS you REALLY think he might one day get drafted by the Yankees.

FX Turk said...

See: you have to post more often than the democrats lose the Senate if you want to cultivate reades.

Content is King.

Evander said...

I find your wiggling eyebrows tres disturbing, Centurion. And now I will congratulate us on hijacking this blog. Jenny, Jenny, wherefore art thou, Miss Jenny?