Monday, January 15, 2007

Watch out for that...Corrrrrrrn!

I insist that our children sit down at the table three times a day for meals. It really works out well...most of the time. Last night over dinner, I could see Tes-tos-ta-boy's arm begin winding up. His eyes began to search for the perfect projectile...and just as I warned my ear of perfectly sweet, golden yellow corn flew with the force of a professional pitch across the table barely missing my husband's face! My husband had to excuse himself from the table because he couldn't catch his breath. Oh My Gosh! We laughed so hard. Yet another missed opportunity to discipline. (He really does have a good arm.)

Sunday, January 7, 2007


January...and I've already lost the Mother of the Year award. I lined up Tes-tos-ta-boy in front of three bigger kids and sent him down a big tube slide at the park. Somewhere in the dark spiraling dungeon of pain, his feet got twisted underneath him. One day and three doctors later, he has a very nice super-hero blue cast from his toes to his groin on his right leg. A spiral fracture. I guess little boys are fragile after all.

Saturday, January 6, 2007


Hey Evander, I know thats you. Any idea where I can buy a basket big enough to hold a lawnmower, weedeater, and 2 three-story doll houses?

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

I'm so Ashamed.

My children were INDULGED at Christmas...well, "Christmases" to be exact. There are four sets of grandparents in our family. FOUR! (And my parents have been married 37 years!) It was so bad last year that my husband and I didn't buy our kids ANYTHING for Christmas this year! My house (and pantry) were already crawling with toys. Is there a cycle for toys that I don't know about? Is there a way to clean, organize, and store running water? My three year old asked me today why our Christmas tree was still up. After checking the calendar to make sure I hadn't missed Valentine's Day, I told her that Mommy can't play Chutes and Ladders and take down the tree at the same time. (She later took such a big bite of cheeseburger that she threw up.)
I really do love Christmas.